Beyond that, you can even open a program or file, launch a website, manipulate a window (e.g. You can also set macro paths, playback speed, and total loop times when running macros. With the Macro Editor, you can insert keystrokes, mouse events (such as left button clicks and setting mouse positions), and delays (in seconds or milliseconds). Alternatively, you can bring up the "Macro Editor" window, featuring a standard interface where you can perform commands and view the macro script.

Recording is a breeze with Easy Macro Recorder: simply press the "Record" button, set an output name and destination, and start playing back your recording by initiating the file with the MAC extension. If you're looking for a program that allows you to record and play back your keyboard and mouse actions, then Easy Macro Recorder might be just the ticket! Once you've installed the application, it will automatically set itself in the system tray, ready for action. Records what you do and automatically creates macro scripts.